Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
0000, No Error
5190, Test 5V supply failed
5193, Need cold start
5194, Obsolete bootloader detected. Please update.
5195, Something went wrong during the last firmware update. Please try again.
5196, The hardware isn't supported by this firmware.
5580, Read failure EEPROM
5581, Checksum failure EEPROM
5582, EEPROM contains blank Data
5583, Unexpected EEPROM
5584, EEPROM contains blank Data
5585, Unexpected EEPROM
5586, Restored Errormessages from persistent memory
5587, The internal eeprom data synchronization (Id=0xXX) failed!
5590, Detected incompatible Pcb
5591, Identity incompatible to a Pcb
5592, FirmwareIndex is incompatible to this Firmware
5593, Structure Version is incompatible to this Firmware
5594, Simulating persistent data features.
5596, Storing of persistent data failed.
5597, Unsupported prototype hardware.
5598, Identity incompatible to Device
5599, Identity incompatible to a Device
559A, Read failure EEPROM
559B, Unsupported Pcb type
589C, Read failure EEPROM
589D, Prototype hardware might not be supported with actual safety firmware
6180, Internal Software Error Type A
6181, Internal Software Error Type B
6182, Internal Software Error Type C
6190, Init Timeout
6382, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Slot is empty.
6383, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Double Feedback Selection.
6384, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Slot has to be empty.
6385, Illegal Slotconfiguration. Unsupported Module.
63B0, Module in slot II: Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
63B1, Module in slot II: Transition Safe-Op to Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
63B2, Module in slot II: Transition Op to Safe-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
63B3, Module in slot II: Transition Safe-Op to Pre-Op (ECat) not successful (hr=0xXX)
63B4, Illegal Slotconfiguration. The selected feedback combination is not supported.
8180, System restart or sync lost
8181, Lost Distributed clocks Sync
8186, Invalid sync out unit configuration. Actual value is 0xXX and has to be 0xXX.
A000, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Length Error.
A001, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Address Error.
A002, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Settings Error.
A003, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Sync Manager Address Range overlap.
A004, Sync Manager is disabled and has a Size unequal zero.
A005, Sync Manager Address is not multiple of 4.
A00B, Dynamic Sync Manager Address is not multiple of 4.
A00C, Dynamic Sync Manager Address Range overlap.
A00D, Dynamic Sync Manager Settings Error.
A00E, Dynamic Sync Manager Address Error.
A00F, Dynamic Sync Manager Length Error.
A010, SDO Complete Access Error: Object 0xXX/XX, SDO Abortcode 0xXX
A011, Pdo Mapping Error: Unable to map Object (not possible).
A013, Pdo Mapping Error: Double Mapping of Object.
A015, Pdo Mapping Error: Unable to map Object (no Mappings left).
A017, Pdo Mapping Error: Object has to be mapped always.
A019, Pdo Mapping Error: Object has to be mapped because of modes of operation.
A01B, Pdo BitMapping Error: Object A is not next to Object B.
A01D, Pdo BitMapping Error: Can not Transform Bit-Mappings to Byte-Mappings.
A01F, Pdo Mapping Error: Invalid Oversampling Factor.
A021, Pdo Mapping Error: Oversampling is not allowed.
A023, Pdo Assignment Error
A031, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Unable to map Object (not possible).
A033, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Double Mapping of Object.
A035, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Unable to map Object (no Mappings left).
A037, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Object has to be mapped always.
A039, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Object has to be mapped because of modes of operation.
A03B, DynPdo BitMapping Warning: Object A is not next to Object B.
A03D, DynPdo BitMapping Warning: Can not Transform Bit-Mappings to Byte-Mappings.
A03F, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Invalid Oversampling Factor.
A041, DynPdo Mapping Warning: Oversampling is not allowed.
A043, DynPdo Assignment Warning
A080, Safe-Op is not possible because the local TwinCAT Runtime is in ConfigMode.
A081, Transition Pre-Op to Safe-Op not successful. Safetycard not detected.
A082, EtherCAT Slave Stack Error:
FFFD, Debug firmware, replace "As soon as possible"!
FFFF, Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
559E, Unsupported Pcb type
6183, FPU Exception, FPU status 0xXX
Diagmessages of module DeviceMain
Diagmessages of module SafeMotion
Diagmessages of module DeviceDebug
Diagmessages of module AxisMain
Diagmessages of module Interpolator
Diagmessages of module PositionControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl2
Diagmessages of module BiquadFilter
Diagmessages of module TorqueControl
Diagmessages of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 linear
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C rotary
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C linear
Diagmessages of module SimulationRotary
Diagmessages of module SyncServoMotor
Diagmessages of module LinearMotor
Diagmessages of module AsynchronousMotor
Diagmessages of module AxisDebug
Diagmessages of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 linear
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions