Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
Diagmessages of module DeviceMain
Diagmessages of module SafeMotion
Diagmessages of module DeviceDebug
Diagmessages of module AxisMain
Diagmessages of module Interpolator
Diagmessages of module PositionControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl2
Diagmessages of module BiquadFilter
Diagmessages of module TorqueControl
Diagmessages of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 linear
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C rotary
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C linear
Diagmessages of module SimulationRotary
63AC, Encoder simulation is not supported for the selected motor type. (ModuleIdent 0xXX)
FFFF, Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
7320, HpfDsl: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7380, HpfDsl: Encoder start sequence failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7381, HpfDsl: Encoder shutdown failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7382, HpfDsl: Parameter access error, Id=0xXX, Cmd=II, RID=0xXX, Offset=II, Len=II, LongMsgErrorCode=0xXX
7383, HpfDsl: Internal error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7384, HpfDsl: Cyclic monitoring error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7385, HpfDsl: Encoder file processing, Id=0xXX, WarnArg=0xXX
7386, HpfDsl: Found no encoder (No link to an encoder)!
7387, HpfDsl: The encoder doesn't meet the specified policies. Resolutionpolicy=II [Encoder=II, Requirement=II], Rangepolicy=II [Encoder=II, Requirement=II]
7388, HpfDsl: Encoder power off (triggered from SafeCu), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7389, HpfDsl: Encoder interface resistance check failed. Measured resistance is too low! R=II Ohm
738A, Loaded fpga is not verified.
738B, HpfDsl: Internal warning! The error inducer is available.
738C, HpfDsl: Encoder seems to be offline for UU cycles. (InternalDbg: UU)
738D, HpfDsl: Invalid encoder parameter, see SubIdx UU
738E, HpfDsl: Encoder file processing error, FileId=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
738F, HpfDsl: SafeCU monitored encoder status flag is set! The next fault reset triggers an encoder restart. EncST7..4=0xXX, EncST3..0=0xXX
7390, HpfDsl: Status dump, Encoder Status after IIms: Summary=0xXX, Regs 7..4=0xXX, Regs 3..0=0xXX
7391, HpfDsl: Status dump, Max occured position deviation=UU mdeg
7392, HpfDsl: Status dump, Error counter VPOS=UU, ACC=UU, VRT=UU, POS=UU, LINK=UU, Encoding=UU
7393, HpfDsl: A safety error condition is blocking the encoder voltage.
73C0, EnDat22: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C1, EnDat22: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C2, EnDat22: Encoder start failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C3, EnDat22: Encoder shutdown failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C4, EnDat22: Parameter access error, Id=0xXX, Cmd=II, Addr=0xXX, Len=II, Data=0xXX, FifoStatus=0xXX
73C5, EnDat22: Internal error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C6, EnDat22: Cyclic monitoring error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73C7, EnDat22: Encoder file processing, Id=0xXX, WarnArg=0xXX
73C8, EnDat22: Encoder policy check (steps per revolution) failed, Enc=UU, PolicyValue=UU
73C9, EnDat22: Encoder policy check (distinguishable revolutions) failed, Enc=UU, PolicyValue=UU
73CA, EnDat22: Encoder policy check (step length) failed, Enc=0xXXXX, PolicyValue=0xXXXX
73CB, EnDat22: Encoder policy check (measuring length) failed, Enc=0xXXXX, PolicyValue=0xXXXX
73CC, EnDat22: The multiturn part of the transferred position value is not reliable, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73CD, EnDat22: Encoder power off (SafeCu global shutdown), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73CE, EnDat22: Found no encoder (No link to an encoder)!
73CF, EnDat22: The encoder position is received later as expected! Increase the wait time by IIns.
73D0, EnDat22: An 'extended reset' has triggered the reinitialization of the multiturn part of the transferred position, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73D1, EnDat22: User setting forces ignoring of incompatible encoder parameter. [MemRange II, Word II]
73D2, EnDat22: Incompatible encoder parameter [MemRange II, Word II] ignored or modified!
73D3, EnDat22: The encoder is icompatible. See MemRange II, Word II
73D4, Loaded fpga is not verified.
73D5, EnDat22: Select safety cycle content failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
73D6, EnDat22: Internal warning! The error incuder is available.
73D7, EnDat22: The encoder don't support the selected valuation addresses, Supported=0xXX, Configured=0xXX
73D8, EnDat22: The selected valuations could not be read.
73D9, EnDat22: User setting forces a encoder start in the EnDat21 mode only! The 'position actual value' isn't available!
73FF, EnDat22: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
7780, SimulationEnc: Encoder simulation is not supported for the selected motor type. (ModuleIdent 0xXX)
77BF, SimulationEnc: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
77C0, BiSS-C: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C1, BiSS-C: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C2, BiSS-C: Encoder start failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C3, BiSS-C: Encoder shutdown failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C4, BiSS-C: Internal error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C5, BiSS-C: Cyclic monitoring error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C6, BiSS-C: Encoder warning active, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
77C7, BiSS-C: Parameter error in object 0xXX/XX
77FF, BiSS-C: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
7880, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), HPFstatus: F(0)=UU, HPFV(1)=UU, ERR_REQ(0)=UU, valid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
7881, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), HPFstatus: F(0)=UU, HPFV(1)=UU, ERR_REQ(0)=UU, valid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
7882, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), ForegroundErrorCode=0xXX
7883, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), ForegroundErrorCode=0xXX
7884, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), HPFvalid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmError(0)=UU, HPFF(0)=UU (0xXX)
7885, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), HPFvalid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmError(0)=UU, HPFF(0)=UU (0xXX)
7886, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), FGstatus: HPFF(0)=UU, CSerr(0)=UU, PhyErr(0)=UU, WDerr(0)=UU, StrobeErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
7887, EnDat3: Encoder error (position invalid), FGstatus: HPFF(0)=UU, CSerr(0)=UU, PhyErr(0)=UU, WDerr(0)=UU, StrobeErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
7888, EnDat3: Encoder start failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7889, EnDat3: Encoder shutdown failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
788A, EnDat3: Parameter access error, hr=0xXX, BGreq=II, ErrorCode=0xXX, Data=0xXX, 0xXX
788B, EnDat3: Internal error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
788C, EnDat3: Cyclic monitoring error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
788D, EnDat3: Encoder start failed, ambiguous motor temperature sensor id, II <> II
788E, EnDat3: Encoder policy check (steps per revolution) failed, Enc=UU, PolicyValue=UU
788F, EnDat3: Encoder policy check (distinguishable revolutions) failed, Enc=UU, PolicyValue=UU
7890, EnDat3: Encoder policy check (step length) failed, Enc=0xXXXX, PolicyValue=0xXXXX
7891, EnDat3: Encoder policy check (measuring length) failed, Enc=0xXXXX, PolicyValue=0xXXXX
7892, EnDat3: Encoder interface resistance check failed. Measured resistance is too low! R=II Ohm
7893, EnDat3: Encoder power off (SafeCu global shutdown), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
7894, EnDat3: Found no encoder (No link to an encoder)!
7895, EnDat3: Invalid memory area crc (memory base addr=0xXX).
7896, EnDat3: An encoder restart is required because the non-volatile encoder settings are modified (addr=0xXX).
7897, EnDat3: A safety error condition is blocking the encoder voltage.
7898, Electronic data sheet: No motor temperature sensor id
7899, Loaded fpga is not verified.
789A, EnDat3: Low priority frame error, SendListEntry x=UU, y=UU, z=UU, LPFstatus=0xXX, FGerrCode=0xXX
789B, EnDat3: Invalid memory area crc (memory base addr=0xXX).
789C, EnDat3: Encoder warning, Status=0xXX, LatchedStatus=0xXX
789D, EnDat3: Encoder status dump, HPFstatus: F(0)=UU, HPFV(1)=UU, ERR_REQ(0)=UU, valid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
789E, EnDat3: Encoder status dump, ForegroundErrorCode=0xXX
789F, EnDat3: Encoder status dump, HPFvalid(1)=UU; ShortStatus: TrmError(0)=UU, HPFF(0)=UU (0xXX)
78A0, EnDat3: Encoder status dump, FGstatus: HPFF(0)=UU, CSerr(0)=UU, PhyErr(0)=UU, WDerr(0)=UU, StrobeErr(0)=UU (0xXX)
78A1, EnDat3: Encoder seems to be offline for UU cycles. (InternalDbg: UU)
78A2, EnDat3: Encoder start warning, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXXXX
78BF, EnDat3: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
78C0, Inc Enc: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C1, Inc Enc: Encoder error (position invalid), Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C2, Inc Enc: Encoder start failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C3, Inc Enc: Encoder shutdown failed, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C4, Inc Enc: Internal error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C5, Inc Enc: Cyclic monitoring error, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C6, Inc Enc: Encoder warning active, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78C7, Inc Enc: SinCos Encoder error (Vector length to long), Vector length = FFV
78C8, Inc Enc: SinCos Encoder error (Vector length to short), Vector length = FFV
78C9, Inc Enc: SinCos Encoder error (SinCos period counting error)
78CA, Inc Enc: TTL Encoder error (Broken wire detected)
78CB, Inc Enc: TTL Encoder warning active, Id=0xXX, Arg=0xXX
78CC, Inc Enc: Parameter error in object 0xXX/XX
78FF, Inc Enc: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
FFFF, HpfDsl: Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
Diagmessages of module SyncServoMotor
Diagmessages of module LinearMotor
Diagmessages of module AsynchronousMotor
Diagmessages of module AxisDebug
Diagmessages of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 linear
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions