Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
Diagmessages of module DeviceMain
Diagmessages of module SafeMotion
Diagmessages of module DeviceDebug
Diagmessages of module AxisMain
0000, No Error
2340, Short circuit (motor-side)
2380, Continuous over current (device output side) Phase U
2381, Continuous over current (device output side) Phase V
2382, Continuous over current (device output side) Phase W
2383, Phase U current offset out of range
2384, Phase V current offset out of range
2385, Phase W current offset out of range
2386, Motor brake current offset out of range
3180, Phase failure motor
3220, DC link under-voltage
3280, DC link is not ready
4310, Drive overtemperature shut down
5180, Output stage STO active.
5184, Supply DC link circuit is not ready
5187, Power supply communication is not established
5441, Positive limit switch active
5442, Negative limit switch active
5443, Loss of the hardware enable
5444, Loss of the hardware enable (Reaction TorqueOff)
54B1, Positive limit switch active
54B2, Negative limit switch active
5595, Modulo remainder will not be stored.
589C, Read failure EEPROM
6183, Internal Watchdog Error
638A, The Axis seems not to be parameterized.
6390, Factor Group Parameters: Feed constant illegal feed
6391, Factor Group Parameters: Feed constant illegal shaft revolutions
6392, Factor Group Parameters: Gear ratio illegal Motor shaft revolutions
6393, Factor Group Parameters: Gear ratio illegal Driving shaft revolutions
6394, Factor Group Parameters: Position encoder resolution illegal encoder increments
6395, Factor Group Parameters: Position encoder resolution illegal motor revolutions
6396, additional Factor Group Parameters: Feed constant illegal feed
6397, additional Factor Group Parameters: Feed constant illegal shaft revolutions
6398, additional Factor Group Parameters: Gear ratio illegal Motor shaft revolutions
6399, additional Factor Group Parameters: Gear ratio illegal Driving shaft revolutions
639A, additional Factor Group Parameters: Position encoder resolution illegal encoder increments
639B, additional Factor Group Parameters: Position encoder resolution illegal motor revolutions
639C, Velocity factor illegal. A possible Value would be UU/UU.
639D, Acceleration factor illegal. A possible Value would be UU/UU.
639E, Scaling index object 0xXX does not fit the Factor group parameters for the first Encoder
639F, Scaling index object 0xXX does not fit the Factor group parameters for the second Encoder
63A0, Motor or Primary Feedback changed
63A1, Secondary Feedback changed
63A2, Offset position actual value: No position offset existing in source 'encoder memory'
63A3, Offset additional position actual value: No position offset existing in source 'encoder memory'
63A4, Offset position actual value: No position offset existing in source 'drive memory'
63A5, Offset additional position actual value: No position offset existing in source 'drive memory'
63A6, Jerk factor illegal. A possible Value would be UU/UU.
63A7, The range UU of the Position range limit is below the minimum accepted value of UU.
63A8, Position range limit Inc with remainder is not supported for primary feedback.
63A9, Position range limit Inc with remainder is not supported for secondary feedback.
63AA, Object 0xXX/XX changed in EtherCAT SafeOP or OP.
63AB, Offset position actual value: Found an internal encoder postion offset. No other offset can be selected.
63AC, Offset addtional position actual value: Found an internal encoder postion offset. No other offset can be selected.
63AE, Modulo calculation primary feedback: No saved data could be loaded
7180, Motor brake: Current monitoring error.
7380, Current sensor motor phase U
7381, Current sensor motor phase V
7382, Current sensor motor phase W
7398, Physical position sensor required
7399, Simulation feedback module required
8182, EtherCAT Statemachine shutdown with enabled Axis
8183, Controlword output cycle counter monitoring
8184, Dynoutput cycle counter monitoring
8185, Axis needs an extended fault reset command
8690, Autotuning command: Out of position range
8A80, Illegal Modes Of Operation
8A81, Illegal Modes Of Operation change
8A82, Error reaction "NC Handling" had a timeout
A017, Pdo Mapping Error: Object has to be mapped always.
FF01, Init Timeout
FF07, Error reaction forced: Torque Off
FF08, Error reaction forced: Shorted Coils Brake
FF09, Error reaction forced: Open Loop Ramp
FF0A, Error reaction forced: Closed Loop Ramp
FF0B, Error reaction forced: NC handling
FF0C, Error reaction TorqueOff with emergency brake
FF0D, Propagated error received, react with Torque Off.
FF0E, Propagated error received, react with Shorted Coils Brake.
FF0F, Propagated error received, react with Closed Loop Ramp.
FF10, Propagated error received, react with NC handling.
FF11, Error reaction shorted coils brake with emergency brake
FFFF, Internal Error, Additional Errorcode 0xXX
5445, Fast stop switch active
54B3, Fast stop switch active
589C, Persistent Data Error
589E, Persistent data memory error. Primary position offset.
589F, Persistent data memory error. Secondary position offset.
58A0, Persistent data memory error. Modulo remainder.
63AF, Modulo calculation primary feedback: No saved data could be loaded. Remainder Changed.
8187, PWM carrier signal PLL not locked to EtherCAT DC SYNC0
8190, Axis fault reset command is not possible - internal hardware error
8191, Axis fault reset command is not possible because at least one of the present errors cannot be reset.
8691, Advanced Tuning command: Excitation signal amplitude to high
FF12, Error reaction TorqueOff Timeout
Diagmessages of module Interpolator
Diagmessages of module PositionControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl
Diagmessages of module VelocityControl2
Diagmessages of module BiquadFilter
Diagmessages of module TorqueControl
Diagmessages of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 22 linear
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C rotary
Diagmessages of module BiSS-C linear
Diagmessages of module SimulationRotary
Diagmessages of module SyncServoMotor
Diagmessages of module LinearMotor
Diagmessages of module AsynchronousMotor
Diagmessages of module AxisDebug
Diagmessages of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 rotary
Diagmessages of module EnDat 3 linear
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions