Industrial PC
Fieldbus Components
Drive Technology
Servo drive
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX2090-ND80 | Mains choke
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system
AX8xxx | Axis module - Object dictionary
Objects of module DeviceMain
Objects of module SafeMotion
Objects of module DeviceDebug
Objects of module AxisMain
1600:x AxisMain Outputs
16E0:x AxisMain Dynamic Outputs
1A00:x AxisMain Inputs
1AE0:x AxisMain Dynamic Inputs
3000:x AxisMain parameters
3001:x AxisMain actual values
3002:x AxisMain parameters positive limit switch
3003:x AxisMain parameters negative limit switch
3004:x AxisMain parameters error manager
3004:01 Error reaction delay time
3004:02 Choose force reaction
3004:03 Force reaction
3004:04 Extended fault reset
3004:05 Propagate error type torque off
3004:06 Propagate error type shorted coils brake
3004:07 Propagate error type open loop ramp
3004:08 Propagate error type closed loop ramp
3004:09 Propagate error type nc handling
3004:0A reserve 1
3004:0B reserve 2
3004:0C reserve 3
3004:0D Propagate errors
3004:0E React on propagated error
3004:0F Receive propagated errors
3004:10 Relegate extended fault reset
3004:11 Park axis
3004:12 Maximum torque off delay time
3005:x AxisMain scaling index
3006:x AxisMain command
3007:x AxisMain parameters position offset
3008:x AxisMain parameters encoder polarity
3009:x AxisMain parameters hardware enable
300A:x AxisMain demand values
300C:x Advanced tuning command
300D:x Advanced tuning command parameters
301E:x AxisMain error counter
301F:x AxisMain info
603E:x TxPDO Data invalid
603F Error code
6040 Controlword
6041 Statusword
605A Quick stop option code
605E Fault reaction option code
6060 Modes of operation
6061 Modes of operation display
6064 Position actual value
606C Velocity actual value
607B:x Position range limit
608F:x Position encoder resolution
6091:x Gear ratio
6092:x Feed constant
6096:x Velocity factor
6097:x Acceleration factor
60A2:x Jerk factor
60B8 Touch probe control
60B9 Touch probe status
60BA Touch probe 1 positive edge
60BB Touch probe 1 negative edge
60BC Touch probe 2 positive edge
60BD Touch probe 2 negative edge
60D0:x Touch probe source
60D1 Touch probe time stamp 1 positive edge
60D2 Touch probe time stamp 1 negative edge
60D3 Touch probe time stamp 2 positive edge
60D4 Touch probe time stamp 2 negative edge
60D5 Touch probe 1 positive edge counter
60D6 Touch probe 1 negative edge counter
60D7 Touch probe 2 positive edge counter
60D8 Touch probe 2 negative edge counter
60D9 Supported functions
60DA Function settings
60E4:x Additional position actual value
60E5:x Additional velocity actual value
60E6:x Additional position encoder resolution encoder increments
60E8:x Additional gear ratio motor revolutions
60E9:x Additional feed constant feed
60EB:x Additional position encoder resolution motor revolutions
60ED:x Additional gear ratio shaft revolutions
60EE:x Additional feed constant driving shaft revolutions
60FD Digital inputs
6502 Supported drive modes
3008:x AxisMain parameters encoder direction
300E:x AxisMain parameters fast stop
Objects of module Interpolator
Objects of module PositionControl
Objects of module VelocityControl
Objects of module VelocityControl2
Objects of module BiquadFilter
Objects of module TorqueControl
Objects of module OCT rotary (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 22 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 22 linear
Objects of module BiSS-C rotary
Objects of module BiSS-C linear
Objects of module SimulationRotary
Objects of module SyncServoMotor
Objects of module LinearMotor
Objects of module AsynchronousMotor
Objects of module AxisDebug
Objects of module OCT linear (Hiperface DSL)
Objects of module EnDat 3 rotary
Objects of module EnDat 3 linear
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Object dictionary
AX8xxx | Axis module - Diagnostic messages
AX86x0 | Power supply module - Diagnostic messages
AX2090-BW80 | External brake resistor
TE5910 | TC3 Motion Designer - Quick commissioning guide
AX2090-BW65 | External brake resistor IP65
AX8000 | Multi-axis servo system - Function description
AX2090-NF80 | Mains filter
AX8820 | Universal regenerative unit
AX5000 | Digital Compact Servo Drive
Distributed servo drives
Rotary servomotors
Translatory servomotors
Planetary gears
Transport systems
Compact drive technology
TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT 2
Industry Solutions