Connect target PC

Connect target PC 1:

Same software version on target PC and engineering PC

Make sure that the same software version is installed on your target PC as on your engineering PC.

Connect target PC 2:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project
Double-click on SYSTEM
Connect target PC 3:
In the project window, click on the General tab
Click Choose Target
Connect target PC 4:

The dialog box Choose Target System opens.

The dialog box Choose Target System lists all target PCs to which there are routes from the development system.

If the desired target PC is not yet listed:

Click Search (Ethernet)...

If you work locally on your engineering PC:

Click <Local>

After you have selected <Local>, you can continue with the following chapter:

Connect target PC 5:

The dialog box Add Route Dialog opens.

Activate the checkbox Advanced Settings
Connect target PC 6:
Activate the checkbox IP Address
Click Broadcast Search
Connect target PC 7:

The dialog box Select Adapter(s) opens.

Deactivate the checkbox Realtek USB GbE Family Controller
Confirm with OK
Connect target PC 8:
Click on the target PC
Click Add Route
Connect target PC 9:

The dialog box Add Remote Route opens.

Enter the password for the target PC in the input field Password
Confirm with OK
Connect target PC 10:

The successful connection of the target PC is indicated by a closed lock in the Connected column.

Confirm with Close
Connect target PC 11:

The dialog box Choose Target System opens.

Confirm with OK