
The list shows the most important controls:

Controls 1:

Load target CPU

Loads a new target CPU and overwrites existing CPUs.

Controls 2:

Input field Number of CPUs

Allows you to enter the number of CPUs required.

Controls 3:

Input field Number of isolated CPUs

Allows you to enter the number of isolated CPUs.

Controls 4:

Apply number

Applies the number from the input field.

Controls 5:

AUX Task display

Displays the configuration of the AUX task.

Controls 6:

Move CPU upwards

Moves the selected task up one CPU.

Controls 7:

Move CPU downwards

Moves the selected task down one CPU.

Controls 8:

Remove task

Removes the selected task from the CPU.

Controls 9:

Processing Unit and System button

Switches between the Processing Unit and System.

Controls 10:

Add Processing Unit or TwinCAT System Task

Adds a Processing Unit or a TwinCAT System Task.

Controls 11:

Remove Processing Unit

Removes the selected Processing Unit.

Controls 12:

Open sidebar

Opens the sidebar.

Controls 13:

Close sidebar

Closes the sidebar.

Controls 14:

Button Go To Previous Step

Opens the previous page.

Controls 15:

Button Go To Next Step

Opens the next page.