The list shows the most important controls:
Open sidebar
Opens the sidebar.
Close sidebar
Closes the sidebar.
Project loaded
Indicates that the project has been loaded. This button cannot be clicked.
Start page
Displays the start page of the XTS Simulation Builder.
Button Configure
Opens the page Configure to configure the desired system.
Button Real-Time
Opens the page Real-Time to edit the real-time settings.
Button Generation Settings
Opens the page Generation Settings to edit the generation settings.
Button Summary
Opens the page Summary. The checkbox Close automatically after finished can be activated or deactivated.
Button Build
Applies all settings and builds the configuration.
Closes the XTS Simulation Builder.
Page Finished
Indicates that all settings have been applied and the configuration is finished. This page is only displayed if the checkbox Close automatically after finished is deactivated.
Display Page open
Indicates that the page has been opened and exited with a button in the sidebar.
Display Page edited
Indicates that the page has been opened and exited with the button Go To Next Step.