Check parts

You can click on the parts in the menu in the left-hand column to obtain further information.

Check parts 1:
Click on a part

The following information is displayed under Details:

Selected parts are highlighted in the list and in the XTS System View.

Set properties

You can select for each part whether the front or the back of the XTS modules is to be shown and how the position and installation position are to be displayed. With these properties, every possible view of an XTS system can be tested or adapted to your existing XTS system.

Module side

Check parts 2:



Check parts 3:
Select the module side in the drop-down menu Front Side
Check parts 4:
Enter values for the position of the part in the input fields X and Y
Enter the value for the installation position of the part in the Alpha input field
Check parts 5:

Example configuration

In this example configuration, the part is positioned in the center of the XTS System View, the front is selected as the view, and the installation position is left at 0°.

Check parts 6:
Press and hold the left mouse button and the Alt key to move the part into the correct position