
The list shows the most important controls:

Controls 1:

Add module

Adds a module before or after the selection in the module list or replaces an existing module.

Controls 2:

Remove module

Removes one or more selected modules.

Controls 3:

Modules drop-down menu

Displays the available modules. The module type can be selected or added directly by double-clicking.

Controls 4:

Insert at the end of the part

Activates the insertion of a new module at the end of the active part.

Controls 5:

Insert after selection

Activates the insertion of a new module after the selected module. If several modules are selected, a new module is added after each module.

Controls 6:

Insert before selection

Activates the insertion of a new module before the selected module. If several modules are selected, a new module is added before each module.

Controls 7:

Replace selection

Activates the replacement of the selected module with a new module. If several modules are selected, each module is replaced by a new module.

Controls 8:

Infeed Type drop-down menu

Displays the available infeed types and changes it for the selected module. If several modules are selected, all infeed types are changed.