Generation settings
Finally, you can make general settings for I/O generation. For example, you can choose whether a new project or a new Solution should be created. You can also integrate the I/O objects into an existing project.
The generation settings of the XTS Simulation Builder help you to transfer the I/O configuration to an existing project or to generate a new TC3 XAE project and a solution in Visual Studio.
If a TC3 project is already open, the option Modify TwinCAT Project is available to add the I/O devices of the configured XTS system to the existing project.
There are several options that can be selected when creating the new project:
- ►Enter a name in the input fields Project Name and Solution Name
By default, the names XtsProject and XtsSolution are preset.
Project Full Path and Solution Full Path specify the exact path where the files are located after creation. These paths cannot be edited and are only used for a better overview.
- ►Enter a file path in the input field Location
- ►Click on ... to open the Project Location dialog box and select a file path
- ►Activate the checkbox Append to Solution? to create a Solution
- ►Activate the checkbox Solution Directory? to add the project to an existing Solution
If none of the options are selected, the project and the Solution are in the same directory.
If errors occur when creating the Solution or project with the specified settings, the input fields with incorrect entries are highlighted in red.
In this example, the Solution from the specified directory is to be appended. A warning appears as there is already a project and a Solution with the same name. If you continue with the creation, the existing files will be overwritten.
If all settings have been made correctly, you can create the Solution or project.
- ►Click on the button Go To Next Step to continue