Checking the result

After downloading, you can check if the mover detection was successful or if the number of passive and detected movers differs.

Checking the result 1:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCOM Objects
Double click on XtsProcessingUnit
Checking the result 2:
In the project window click on the Parameter (Online) tab
Expand Mover Detection
Check if the number of active movers is correct at ActiveMoverCount
Check how many mover detections are displayed at DetectionCycleCount
Check whether the parameter DetectionState indicates Succeeded

For each mover it is possible to check whether it is active or passive. Only active movers are displayed in the XTS View. Passive movers are not displayed in the XTS View because passive movers remain undetected by the system.

Checking the result 3:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCOM Objects > XtsProcessingUnit
Click on the mover whose state is to be checked
Checking the result 4:
Check whether the parameter IsActive indicates TRUE