Add additional task manually

Add additional task manually 1:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM
Right-click on Tasks to open the context menu
Click Add New Item... in the context menu
Add additional task manually 2:

The Insert Task dialog box opens.

Enter a name for the task in the input field Name
Confirm with OK
Add additional task manually 3:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > Tasks
Double-click on XTS Aux Task
Add additional task manually 4:
In the project window click on the Task tab
Make sure that the Cycle ticks are set to 0.250 ms

Further information can be found in chapter Real-Time.

Add additional task manually 5:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCom Objects
Double-click on XTSProcessingUnit
Add additional task manually 6:
In the project window click on the Context tab
In the drop-down menu of Results ID 2 select XTS Aux Task

After a task has been added for mover detection, movers can be removed using the Leave function or added again using the Arrive function.