Read out in PLC
MC_ActivateTrack function block
The MC_ActivateTrack function block is used to activate a track. The Execute command triggers an event and status bits can be read to get feedback from the function block.
The function block can be used in the PLC and takes over the Track Object ID from the track object. If the Track Object ID is set to 0, the absolute reference system, which is used by default, can be reactivated for the NC axis.
While the track for the mover is activated in the XTS driver in order to be able to drive over the modules, the track is also activated as a reference system in the NC. The reference system can then be used for positioning in various motion functions, for example MoveAbsoluteCA, HaltCA, GearInPosCA.
The axis must be part of a CA group for the function block to work. The function block MC_ActivateTrack automatically cancels other motion commands when they are triggered.
Further information can be found in the documentation TF5410 TwinCAT 3 | Collision Avoidance:
Direct link to the documentation TF5410 | TwinCAT 3 | Motion Collision Avoidance |