Read out in PLC
The MC_ReadTrackPosition function block can be used to transfer setpoints from the NC to the PLC.
MC_ReadTrackPositions function block
This function block is different from the other motion function blocks. Enable activates the function block and enables a cyclic reading process of the positions. Status signals are read to get a feedback from the function block.
The function block returns the current set positions of the parts and tracks and the associated object IDs. The axis of the movers located on the parts and tracks must be part of a CA group so that the function block returns valid values. If no track is activated for the axis, the absolute setpoints, the track and the Part ID are returned with 0.
Further information can be found in the documentation TF5410 TwinCAT 3 | Collision Avoidance:
Direct link to the documentation TF5410 | TwinCAT 3 | Motion Collision Avoidance |