Isolating cores

The number of available cores depends on the IPC used. Most systems have 4 or 12 cores, but 8 or 64 cores are also possible. Each core used for the XTS system must be isolated. At least one core must not be isolated in order to be able to use it for Windows. For more information on the distribution of cores, please contact the product specialist responsible for your region.

Isolating cores 1:

XTS Configurator must be closed

Isolating cores is only possible if the XTS Configurator is closed.

Isolating cores 2:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM
Double-click on Real-Time
Isolating cores 3:
Click on Read from Target to call up the distribution of the cores
Isolating cores 4:
Click on Set on Target to change the distribution of the cores


Saving and closing other applications

As the IPC is automatically restarted after entering the cores to be isolated, save and close all other applications that are open on the IPC.

Isolating cores 5:

The dialog box Change number of shared cores opens.

Enter the number of isolated cores using the arrow keys


Enter the number of isolated cores in the input field Available (Shared/Isolated)
Confirm with Set

The IPC restarts automatically.