Activating NC axes

Before you can move a mover, you must activate the corresponding NC axis of the mover.

Activating NC axes 1:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC-Task 1 > Axes
Double-click Mover Axis 1
Activating NC axes 2:
In the project window, click on the Online tab
Click Set
Activating NC axes 3:

Use the button All to enable the controllers Controller, Feed Fw and Feed Bw to move the movers. If you click on the button All, the Set Enabling window closes automatically.

Activating NC axes 4:

The dialog box Set Enabling opens.

Click on All to enable all controllers


Activate the checkboxes Controller, Feed Fw and Feed Bw to enable the controllers
Confirm with OK

The axis controllers are enabled and the corresponding mover can be moved.