
The list shows the most important controls:

Controls 1:

Fast backwards

Moves the mover backwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Fast).

Preset: 600 [mm/s]

Controls 2:

Slowly backwards

Moves the mover backwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Slow).

Preset: 100 [mm/s]

Controls 3:

Slowly forward

Moves the mover forwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Slow).

Preset: 100 [mm/s]

Controls 4:

Fast forward

Moves the mover forwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Fast).

Preset: 600 [mm/s]

Controls 5:

Start a direct motion command

Starts a direct motion command to the target position entered in the input field Target Position at the velocity entered in the input field Target Velocity.

Controls 6:

Stop direct motion command

Stops the direct motion command.

Controls 7:

Cancel motion command and reset

Stops the current motion command and resets the NC axis.

Controls 8:

Controller enable

Enables the controller for moving the movers.

Controls 9:

Target Position input field

Enables the target position of the mover to be entered for a direct motion command.

Controls 10:

Velocity input field

Enables the velocity for the mover to be entered for a direct motion command.