The list shows the most important controls:
Fast backwards
Moves the mover backwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Fast).
Preset: 600 [mm/s]
Slowly backwards
Moves the mover backwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Slow).
Preset: 100 [mm/s]
Slowly forward
Moves the mover forwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Slow).
Preset: 100 [mm/s]
Fast forward
Moves the mover forwards at the velocity entered in the input field Manual Velocity (Fast).
Preset: 600 [mm/s]
Start a direct motion command
Starts a direct motion command to the target position entered in the input field Target Position at the velocity entered in the input field Target Velocity.
Stop direct motion command
Stops the direct motion command.
Cancel motion command and reset
Stops the current motion command and resets the NC axis.
Controller enable
Enables the controller for moving the movers.
Target Position input field
Enables the target position of the mover to be entered for a direct motion command.
Velocity input field
Enables the velocity for the mover to be entered for a direct motion command.