
The list shows the most important controls:

Controls 1:

Open sidebar

Opens the sidebar.

Controls 2:

Close sidebar

Closes the sidebar.

Controls 3:

Project loaded

Indicates that the project has been loaded. This button cannot be clicked.

Controls 4:

Start page

Displays the start page of the XTS Configurator.

Controls 5:

Button Processing Units

Opens the page Processing Units to edit the Processing Units.

Controls 6:

Button Parts

Opens the page Parts to edit the parts.

Controls 7:

Button Tracks

Opens the page Tracks to edit the tracks.

Controls 8:

Button Stations

Opens the page Stations to edit the stations.

Controls 9:

Button Movers

Opens the page Movers to edit the movers.

Controls 10:

Button Real-Time

Opens the page Real-Time to edit the real-time settings.

Controls 11:

Button Summary

Opens the page Summary. The checkbox Close automatically after finished can be activated or deactivated.

Controls 12:

Button Build

Applies all settings and builds the configuration.

Closes the XTS Configurator.

Controls 13:

Page Finished

Indicates that all settings have been applied and the configuration is finished. This page is only displayed if the checkbox Close automatically after finished is deactivated.

Controls 14:

Display Page open

Indicates that the page has been opened and exited with a button in the sidebar.

Controls 15:

Display Page edited

Indicates that the page has been opened and exited with the button Go To Next Step.