NC axis
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC-SAF 1 Task > Axes
- ►Double click on Axis 1
- ►In the project window click on the Settings tab
- ►Click Link To I/O…
The dialog box Select I/O Box/Terminal opens.
- ►Select the corresponding SoftDrive (Object) from the list
- ►Confirm with OK
When the SoftDrive is selected, the Axis Type automatically changes to SoftDrive (Object).
- ►In the project window click on the Parameter tab
- ►Expand Maximum Dynamics
- ►Enter the value 4200.0 in the input field Reference Velocity
- ►Enter the value 4000.0 in the input field Maximum Velocity
- ►Enter the value 80000.0 in the input fields Maximum Acceleration and Maximum Deceleration
- ►Expand Default Dynamics
- ►Enter the value 20000.0 in the input fields Deafult Acceleration and Default Deceleration
- ►Enter the value 200000.0 in the input field Default Jerk
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC-Task 1 SAF > Axes > Axis 1
- ►Double click on Enc
- ►In the project window click on the Parameter tab
- ►Expand Encoder Evaluation
- ►Enter the value 3000 in the input field Modulo Factor
- ►Enter the value 0.2 in the input field Tolerance Window for Modulo Start