Check of NC axes and SoftDrive parameters
New NC axes
If you use new NC axes, all previous parameters must be taken over from the old XTS project. The parameters can either be added manually or imported in the XTS Configurator as a parameter set of the movers. For more information on all available parameters for the NC axes and the SoftDrive, refer to the SoftDrive documentation.
The new NC axes must be linked to the PLC:
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC SAF
- ►Double click on Axes
- ►In the project window, select all axes that are to be linked to the PLC
- ►Right-click the selected axes to open the context menu
- ►In the context menu click on Change Axis PLC Links...
The Select Axis PLC Reference dialog box opens.
- ►Select the PLC with which the axes are to be linked
- ►Confirm with OK
The Modulo Factor for the NC axes and the SoftDrive must be set to the correct length of the system:
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC SAF > Axes
- ►Expand the axis whose settings are to be adjusted
- ►Double click on Enc
- ►In the project window click on the Parameter tab
- ►Expand Encoder Evaluation
- ►Ensure that the Modulo Factor is set to the length of the current system
- ►If required, enter the length of the current system in the input field Modulo Factor
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC SAF > Axes
- ►Expand the axis whose settings are to be adjusted
- ►Double click on SoftDrive
- ►Click the Parameter (Init) tab in the project window
- ►Expand General
- ►Ensure that the HardwareModulo value is set to the length of the current XTS system
- ►If required, enter the length of the current system in the input field HardwareModulo
Existing NC axes
If you use existing NC axes from your old project, you must check the parameter PositionFeedbackMode of the corresponding SoftDrive object. Incorrect settings can result in a changed behavior of the NC position. |
- ►Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > MOTION > NC SAF > Axes
- ►Expand the axis whose settings are to be adjusted
- ►Expand SoftDrive
- ►Double click on SoftDriveEncoder
- ►Click the Parameter (Init) tab in the project window
- ►Expand General
- ►Ensure that the PositionFeedbackMode is set to MODULO_START
- ►If required, select MODULO_START in the PositionFeedbackMode drop-down menu