Save mover commands

The command history function can be used to store up to 25 commands for a mover. Each command contains the command type, the station, a text and a timestamp.

Save mover commands 1:

If there is no timestamp, the function will add one automatically.

The following calls are required to manage the command history:

stCommand         : ST_TcIoXtsMoverCommand;

refCommandHistory : REFERNCE TO ARRAY[1..TcIoXtsEnvironmentParameterList.MaxMessageCommandHistory] OF ST_TcIoXtsMoverCommand;

//preparing the message to store in command history
//if there is no time stamp in the message, the program will add one automatically
stCommand.sCommandType   := ‘MoverAbsoluteCA‘;
stCommand.sStation       := ‚Station2’;
stCommand.sText          := ‚Pos:1000,Acc/Dec:10000‘;

//adding message int command history

//read command history
refCommandHistry REF= fbXtsEnvironment.XpuTcIo(1).MoverTcIo(1).P_CommandHistory;

//clear all messages in command history