Update the CoE data by directly reading the CoE registers

Update the CoE data by directly reading the CoE registers 1:

The Tc3 XTS Utility organizes access to the CoE data to avoid communication errors. You can only update using an update method and you can only access one module of a supply segment at a time. In addition, the Tc3 XTS Utility offers the possibility to read CoE data via the I/O module.

Update the CoE data by directly reading the CoE registers 2:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > I/O > Devices > Device 1
Double-click on Term 1
Update the CoE data by directly reading the CoE registers 3:
In the project window click on the CoE - Online tab
Click on CC I2T Diag Data
Update the CoE data by directly reading the CoE registers 4:

Call to read the registers (only possible with connected hardware)

Reading out the CoE data via the calls is only possible with connected hardware and only in Run mode.

If no hardware is connected or the system is being operated in simulation, the calls may cause error messages.

The following call prevents the registers from being read if no hardware is connected and the system is being operated in simulation:

IF NOT fbXtsEnvironment.XpuTcIo(1).GetOperationMode() = OperationMode.Simulation THEN
       "Methode, die genutzt werden soll"

The following calls can be used to read the registers when hardware is connected and the system is being operated in Run mode:

IF fbXtsEnvironment.XpuTcIo(1).PartTcIo(1).ModuleTcIo(1).CoE.I2TDiagData.Update() THEN

IF fbXtsEnvironment.XpuTcIo(1).PartTcIo(1).ModuleTcIo(1).CoE.InfoData.Update() THEN