
The list shows the most important controls:

Controls 1:

Filter Processing Unit

Filters the list based on the selected Processing Unit.

Controls 2:

Adding movers

Adds a mover to the selected Processing Unit.

Controls 3:

Input field number of movers

Allows you to enter the required number of movers.

Controls 4:

Keep mover

Deactivates excess movers if the number of movers entered in the input field is less than the existing number of movers.

Controls 5:

Apply number

Applies the number from the input field.

Controls 6:

Display Mover activated

Indicates that the mover is activated in the project.

Controls 7:

Display Mover deactivated

Indicates that the mover is deactivated in the project.

Controls 8:

Remove Mover

Removes the selected mover.

Controls 9:

Export parameter set

Opens the dialog box Export Parameter Set…

Controls 10:

Import parameter set

Opens the dialog box Import Parameter Set…

Controls 11:

Reset parameter set

Resets the parameter sets of all movers to the default settings.

Controls 12:

Activation of the copy template of the parameter sets

Activates or deactivates the parameter set copy template.

Controls 13:

Parameter set copy template input field

Allows you to enter the copy template of the parameter sets that are to be applied to the movers of the selected Processing Unit.

Controls 14:

Display of the parameter set copy template

Displays the copy templates of the parameter sets.

Controls 15:

Naming Assistant

Opens the dialog box Rename

Controls 16:


Opens the dialog box Options

Controls 17:

Theme drop-down menu

Displays the selected theme and lists the available themes.

Controls 18:

Zoom window width

Scales the view to the window width.

Controls 19:

Zoom original size

Scales the view to the preset original size.

Controls 20:

Custom zoom

Scales the view to the custom size.

Controls 21:

Open sidebar

Opens the sidebar.

Controls 22:

Close sidebar

Closes the sidebar.

Controls 23:

Button Go To Previous Step

Opens the previous page.

Controls 24:

Button Go To Next Step

Opens the next page.