SoftDrive Output

The actual values for the position and dynamics of the mover are provided for the application.

SoftDrive Output 1:
Expand Solution-Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCOM Objects > Object (XtsProcessingUnit) > Object (XtsMover) > Outputs
Right-click on SoftDriveOutput to open the context menu
Click on Change Link… in the context menu


For SoftDrive Output linking, make sure that you select the same mover that you used for SoftDrive Input linking.

SoftDrive Output 2:

The Attach Variable SoftDriveOutput (Input) dialog box opens.

Expand MOTION > NC-Task 1 SAF > Axes > Axis 1 > Axis 1_Obj (CTcSoftDrive)
Select OutputPointer
Confirm with OK
SoftDrive Output 3:

A gray arrow on the variable indicates successful linking.