Parameter (Init)
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
AdsPort | General | WORD | 0x03002090 | Gets/sets the ads port. The port should be used to read/ write parameters via ADS. |
MoverType | General | MoverType | 0x00000090 | Choose the appropriate mover type. Use custom for a non Beckhoff mover. For more information, see MoverType. |
MagnetPlateType | General | MagnetPlateType | 0x00000091 | Selection of the magnetic plate set. Attention! Choose the correct magnet plate type. If not correct the mover can jump unexpectedly. For more information, see MagnetPlateType. |
MoverSortOrder | General | SortOrderNum | 0x00000048 | Choose the sort order of the movers. For more information, see MoverSortOrder. |
MinMechanicalMoverDistance | General | LREAL | 0x0308027A | Gets/sets the minimum position distance between the movers, which has to be measured in the curve. As a default the distance belonging to the mover type is used. |
PermanentDataConfiguration | Teaching | – | 0x00000020 | Gets/sets a structure containing the teaching file number. |
StartStandStillTeachingParameter | Teaching | – | 0x00000010 | Gets/sets a structure containing the result of the teaching process. |
StopStandStillTeachingParameter | Teaching | – | 0x00000011 | Gets/sets a structure containing the result of the teaching process. |
IsAbortOnTeachingWarningsEnabled | Teaching | BOOL | 0x00000057 | If enabled , will abort startup of the driver if there are teaching warnings. For more information, see IsAbortOnTeachingWarningsEnabled. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
IsTeachingCheckSumCheckEnabled | Teaching | BOOL | 0x00000055 | If enabled, a teaching check sum check is applied at startup. For more information, see IsTeachingCheckSumCheckEnabled. |
TeachingCheckSum | Teaching | – | 0x00000054 | Array of values of the teaching check sum. After a new teaching one can read (upload) the checksum from the driver. |
TeachingWarningLevel | Teaching | TeachingWarningLevel | 0x0308028C | Determines the value above which the input check and the teaching issue warnings. Level_1: very strict Level_3: low |
TriggerTeachingFileFormatUpdate | Teaching | TriggerTeachingFileFormatUpdate | 0x03080291 | Triggers the system to update the teaching file format of the given teaching file on changing back to config mode (overwrites the old file). |
MoverIdDetectionMode | MoverIdDetection | MoverIdDetectionMode | 0x00000201 | Choose the ID detection mode to enable Mover 1 detection. Standard means that mover ID detection is off. For more information, see MoverIdDetectionMode. |
MoverPositionAssignment | MoverIdDetection | MoverPositionAssignment | 0x00000208 | Defines the lowest/highest position. For more information, see MoverPositionAssignment. |
TriggerMoverIdDetection | MoverIdDetection | TriggerMoverIdDetection | 0x00000205 | Triggers the Mover ID Detection. Attention! The axes controller will be momentary enabled. |
IsAutoDumpWritingEnabled | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x00000049 | If enabled then the driver writes dump files automatically in certain situations (at start up, in error cases). For more information, see IsAutoDumpWritingEnabled. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
IsInputCheckEnabled | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x03080283 | Enables the plausibility check of all input channels on the system. For more information, see IsInputCheckEnabled. |
WriteDump | Diagnostics | WriteDump | 0x00000044 | If downloaded manually then the driver writes a dump file. |
UsedEventLogger | Diagnostics | EventMessenger | 0x03080292 | Specifies how events/messages are reported by the driver. For more information, see UsedEventLogger. |
IncludeModuleAreasInRecord | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x00000095 | Attention! Do not change! Obsolete parameter. For more information, see IncludeModuleAreasInRecord. |
IncludeMoverAreasInRecord | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x00000096 | Attention! Do not change! Obsolete parameter. For more information, see IncludeMoverAreasInRecord. |
DumpWriterFallbackMode | Diagnostics | DumpWriterFallbackMode | 0x030802B2 | Gets/sets, which extra memory can be used for dump writing, if the driver fails to write a dump in first attempt. |
IsCycleTimeWarningSuppressed | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000046 | If enabled, surpressed warnings for cycle times different than 250 us (only possible when working in simulation) |
IsMoverFrozenErrorActivated | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000097 | If enabled, throws an error instead of a warning, if a mover position is frozen. For more information, see IsMoverFrozenErrorActivated. |
IsPositionBasedErrorForwardingEnabled | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000092 | If enabled, makes it possible to start up and shut down single parts instead of the whole XTS. Attention! Beta functionality. For more information, see IsPositionBasedErrorForwardingEnabled. |
Optimization | Advanced | OptimaizationEnum | 0x00000047 | Optimizes the movers movement or positioning slightly. Standard is optimize positioning. For more information, see Optimization. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
TriggerRedetection | Advanced | TriggerRedetection | 0x00000098 | Triggers a new Mover detection process. |
TriggerResort | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000061 | Triggers a resort of the Mover Positions. Based on the MoverSortOrder parameter, the first Mover will get the lowest or highest position. |