Parameter (Init)
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
OperationMode | General | OperationMode | 0x0308022C | Choose between 'Normal' to work with actual hardware and 'Simulation' to work in simulation. For more information, see OperationMode. |
MoverType | Mover | MoverType | 0x00000090 | Choose the appropriate mover type. Use custom for a non Beckhoff mover. For more information, see MoverType. |
MagnetPlateType | Mover | MagnetPlateType | 0x00000091 | Selection of the magnetic plate set. Attention! Choose the correct magnet plate type. If not correct the mover can jump unexpectedly. For more information, see MagnetPlateType. |
MoverSortOrder | Mover | SetOrderEnum | 0x00000048 | Choose the sort order of the movers. For more information, see MoverSortOrder. |
MinMechanicalMoverDistance | Mover | LREAL | 0x0308027A | Gets/sets the minimum position distance between the movers, which has to be measured in the curve. As a default the distance belonging to the mover type is used. |
IdDetectionMode | MoverIdDetection | MoverIdDetectionMode | 0x03080246 | Choose the ID detection mode to enable Mover 1 detection. For more information, see IdDetectionMode. |
MoverPositionAssignment | MoverIdDetection | MoverPositionAssignment | 0x03080253 | Defines the lowest/highest position For more information, see MoverPositionAssignment. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
ExpectedMoverIds | MoverIdDetection | – | 0x03080267 | Configure the expected mover IDs for ID detection mode MultipleMover 1. For more information, see ExpectedMoverIds. |
TriggerMoverIdDetection | MoverIdDetection | TriggerMoverIdDetection | 0x03080250 | Triggers the Mover ID detection. Attention! The axes controller will be momentary enabled. |
TeachingFileNumber | Teaching | UDINT | 0x0308022A | The number is appended to the teaching file name - like 'TcIoXts.TeachingData.0.bootdata'. For more information, see Enter the number of the teaching file. |
StartStandStillTeaching | Teaching | – | 0x03080228 | On download the teaching is started on the specified modules and will be stopped automatically. For more information, see StartStandStillTeaching. |
StartMovementTeaching | Teaching | – | 0x03080269 | On download the teaching is started. Then move movers over every module. For more information, see StartMovementTeaching. |
StopMovementTeaching | Teaching | StopMovementTeaching | 0x03080270 | On download the teaching will be applied instantaneously. |
IsAbortOnTeachingWarningsEnabled | Teaching | BOOL | 0x00000057 | If set to TRUE then a teaching warning causes that the driver does not start up. For more information, see IsAbortOnTeachingWarningsEnabled. |
IsTeachingCheckSumCheckEnabled | Teaching | BOOL | 0x00000055 | If set to TRUE then the specified check sum is used to validate that the correct teaching file is loaded and is not corrupt. For more information, see IsTeachingCheckSumCheckEnabled. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
TeachingCheckSum | Teaching | – | 0x00000054 | Array of values of the teaching check sum. After a new teaching one can read (upload) the checksum from the driver. For more information, see TeachingCheckSum. |
TeachingWarningLevel | Teaching | TeachingWarningLevel | 0x0308028C | Specifies how strict the values of the teaching are checked. For more information, see TeachingWarningLevel. 1 means very strict and 3 is the lowest level. |
TriggerTeachingFileFormatUpdate | Teaching | TriggerTeachingFileFormatUpdate | 0x000000A9 | Triggers the system to update the teaching file format of the given teaching file on changing back to config mode (overwrites the old file). |
IsAutoDumpWritingEnabled | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x00000049 | If enabled then the driver writes dump files automatically in certain situations (at start up, in error cases). For more information, see IsAutoDumpWritingEnabled. |
IsInputCheckEnabled | Diagnostics | BOOL | 0x03080283 | Enables the plausibility check of all input channels on the system. For more information, see IsInputCheckEnabled. |
WriteDump | Diagnostics | WriteDump | 0x00000044 | If downloaded manually then the driver writes a dump file. |
UsedEventLogger | Diagnostics | EventMessenger | 0x000000A4 | Specifies how events/messages are reported by the driver. For more information, see UsedEventLogger. |
EtherCatMasterSyncTaskObjectId | Advanced | OTCID | 0x03080233 | Set the object ID of the task which is responsible for triggering the EtherCAT master which is set to independent DC time. Suggested when using the 16 port EtherCAT network card. |
IsCycleTimeWarningSuppressed | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000046 | If enabled then the warning that the driver does not run at 250 us is disabled. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
IsMoverFrozenErrorActivated | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000097 | If enabled then the mover position is observed - if it does not change for a number of cycles then an error is issued. For more information, see IsMoverFrozenErrorActivated. |
IsPositionBasedErrorForwardingEnabled | Advanced | BOOL | 0x00000092 | If enabled then a hardware error is forwarded based on the position to the movers which are located on the faulting modules. For more information, see IsPositionBasedErrorForwardingEnabled. |
Optimization | Advanced | OptimizationEnum | 0x00000047 | Optimizes the movers movement or positioning slightly. Standard is optimize positioning. For more information, see Optimization. |
TriggerRedetection | Advanced | TriggerRedetection | 0x00000098 | If downloaded then all movers will loose their position and a new detection is performed. The order of movers might change. |
CalculateNormAmplitude | Advanced | BOOL | 0x030802B1 | If set to TRUE then the mover's amplitude will be normalized. |
IsPositionNoiseEnabled | Simulation | BOOL | 0x0308022F | If enabled then a random noise using the specified bandwidth is added to the mover positions. |
IsRandomStartUpEnabled | Simulation | BOOL | 0x03080285 | If enabled and mode UseOffsetAndDistance is active then the start-up positions of the movers are randomized using the specified bandwidth. |
MoverDistance | Simulation | LREAL | 0x0308022E | Gets/sets the distance between simulated movers at start-up. |
PositionOffset | Simulation | LREAL | 0x0308022D | Gets/sets the position where the first simulated mover should be detected. |
PositionNoiseBandwidth | Simulation | LREAL | 0x03080231 | Gets/sets a bandwidth which describes how much a position should toggle. |
RandomStartUpBandwidth | Simulation | LREAL | 0x03080232 | Gets/sets a bandwidth which is used to modify the start-up positions of the movers. It is additionally applied to the offset and distance. |
Parameter | Group | Type | PTCID | Explanation |
PositionStartUpSimulationMode | Simulation | PositionStartUpSimulationMode | 0x03080230 | Defines how the start-up positions for the movers should be generated. For more information, see PositionStartUpSimulationMode. |
MoverIdStartUpSimulationMode | Simulation | MoverIdStartUpSimulationMode | 0x0308027D | Defines how the mover ID(s) are generated at start-up. For more information, see MoverIdStartUpSimulationMode. |
RandomInitMode | Simulation | RandomInitMode | 0x0308027F | Defines the mode to initialize the random seed. For more information, see RandomInitMode. |
RandomInitSeed | Simulation | DINT | 0x03080280 | Gets/sets the seed which is used to generate random numbers used for the positions and IDs. |