XTS Mover Simulation Parameters

XTS Mover Simulation Parameters 1:
Expand Solution Explorer > TwinCAT Project > SYSTEM > TcCOM Objects > XtsProcessingUnit
Double-click Mover 1
XTS Mover Simulation Parameters 2:
Click the Parameter (Init) tab in the project window
Expand Simulation
In the SimulatedStartUpPart drop-down menu, select the part on which the mover is to start
Enter the value for the start position of the mover in the input field SimulatedStartUpPosition
Enter the value 1 in the input field SimulatedStartUpId so that the mover is detected as Mover 1 at startup


Do not enter a value in the input field SimulatedStartUpId so that the mover is detected as a standard mover

These entries can also be made in the XTS Configurator and in the XTS Simulation Builder on the Movers page. For more information, see the chapters XTS Configurator and XTS Simulation Builder.