Operating elements

The list shows the most important controls:

Operating elements 1:

Drop-down menu Target PC

Displays the configuration of the selected target PC and lists the available PCs.

Operating elements 2:

Connect to target PC

Enables the connection to the target PC.

Operating elements 3:

Continuous update

Continuously updates the connection with the target PC.

Operating elements 4:

Add additional view

Adds an additional window for the target PC.

Operating elements 5:


Opens the dialog box Options

Operating elements 6:

Module-Side drop-down menu

Displays the selected module side and lists the available module sides.

Operating elements 7:

Rotation drop-down menu

Allows you to select a preset angle between -180° and 180° or enter your own value. The reference point is the first module of a part.

Operating elements 8:

Theme drop-down menu

Displays the selected theme and lists the available themes.

Operating elements 9:

Configuring View

Opens the dialog box Configure View.

Operating elements 10:

Zoom window width

Scales the view to the window width.

Operating elements 11:

Zoom original size

Scales the view to the preset original size.

Operating elements 12:

Custom zoom

Scales the view to the custom size.