Operating elements
The list shows the most important controls:
Drop-down menu Target PC
Displays the configuration of the selected target PC and lists the available PCs.
Connect to target PC
Enables the connection to the target PC.
Continuous update
Continuously updates the connection with the target PC.
Add additional view
Adds an additional window for the target PC.
Opens the dialog box Options…
Module-Side drop-down menu
Displays the selected module side and lists the available module sides.
Rotation drop-down menu
Allows you to select a preset angle between -180° and 180° or enter your own value. The reference point is the first module of a part.
Theme drop-down menu
Displays the selected theme and lists the available themes.
Configuring View
Opens the dialog box Configure View.
Zoom window width
Scales the view to the window width.
Zoom original size
Scales the view to the preset original size.
Custom zoom
Scales the view to the custom size.