Hidden Parameters

For the advanced operation of the Mover ID detection you have the option to use Hidden Parameters . For example, you can change the time delay with which movers are moved within a pack and define the intervals at which movers are detected as a pack. However, usually the default parameters match your XTS system. The Mover ID detection can be started immediately. The search takes a few seconds and depends on the number of movers and the respective settings.

The following hidden parameters are available for settings:


Calculation parameters of Mover ID detection. Do not change!


Time delay [s] between triggering movers which are directly next to each other within the MoverPackGap. Unit: s.


Time delay [s] between triggering movers simultaneously which are not in the same mover pack. Unit: s


Gap [mm] between movers to define a new mover pack. Unit: mm


Setting, from when a search should be evaluated as successful.

Hidden Parameters 1:
Activate the check box Show Hidden Parameter to show the Hidden Parameters
Hidden Parameters 2:

To prevent movers mechanical influencing one another, only the movement of one mover is triggered at any one time in a mover pack. On expiry of the search of a preceding mover in a pack and on expiry of the time DelayBetweenMoversInPack, the search for the next mover in the pack is started.