Operating elements
The list shows the most important controls:
Project selection drop-down menu
Displays the selected project and lists the available projects.
Updates the contents of the selected project.
Open XTS Configurator
Opens the XTS Configurator to configure the hardware.
Open XTS Simulation Builder
Opens the XTS Simulation Builder to configure a simulated system.
Open XTS IO Timing Configurator
Opens the XTS IO Timing Configurator for configuring the real-time and distributed clocks.
Theme drop-down menu
Displays the selected theme and lists the available themes.
Opens the dialog box Options…
Zoom window width
Scales the view to the window width.
Zoom original size
Scales the view to the preset original size.
Custom zoom
Scales the view to the custom size.
XTS Parts tab
Lists all XTS Parts of the current configuration.
Displays the properties of all XTS Parts.
XTS Tracks tab
Lists all XTS Tracks of the current configuration.
Displays the properties of all XTS Tracks.
XTS Mover tab
Lists all XTS Movers in the current configuration.
Displays the properties of all XTS Mover.
XTS Stations tab
Lists all XTS Stations of the current configuration.
Displays the properties of all XTS Stations.