System test
Before beginning with the assembly of the guide rails, check the functionality of the modules. You can determine whether you have installed the modules correctly and completely and identify any defects.
Power supply
Connecting the connection cable to the connector Once modules with connectors are mounted, the connection cables must first be plugged into the connectors before the system is connected to the power supply. |
Notice | |
Use cables with a high number of bending cycles For moving track sections, cables with a high number of bending cycles must be used. Beckhoff recommends the use of the following cables:
- ►Plug the connector [1] of the connection cable into the connector [2] of the module
- ►Tighten the connector [1] with assembly tool [+]
- ►Connect the entire system with connection cables [1] or connector [2] without guide rails to the power supply
Adapter in the control cabinet When using modules with connectors and cables with B23 connector ends, make sure that there is a corresponding ENP power adapter [+] in your control cabinet. |
The following sequence must be observed when connecting:
- ►switch on 24 V control voltage
- ►switch on 48 V supply voltage
The following LEDs [1] must light up:
- Link / Act
- 48 V / 16 A
- 24 V / 4 A
If the LEDs do not light up:
- Check the power supply units and fuses for voltage
- Check whether the connector card is inserted correctly
- Contact Beckhoff Support: |
Beckhoff also recommends checking the modules using the TwinCAT software:
- Start a TwinCAT project
- Scan the modules
- Check the modules for functionality
Further information can be found in the manual TF5850 | TwinCAT 3 XTS: