Without locating pins
You have the option of generating exchangeable module segments by not inserting the locating pins [1] between the guide rails and the locating pins [2] on the cable-side end faces of the modules with infeed [3].
Due to the lack of locating pins on the cable-side end face of the modules wit infeed, an individual module segment can be completely removed from the XTS system.
Module segment
Without the locating pins, this module segment consists of a guide rail [1], a module without infeed [2] and a module with infeed [3]. You can remove the module segment from the XTS system.
The guide rails are connected to one another at the connectors and the modules are fixed to the machine bed. Detailed information on the assembly of a complete XTS system can be found in the following chapters of the mechanical installation.
An end plug [2] must be inserted into the last module [1] of an infeed line to prevent the ingress of dust and liquids. Further information can be found in chapter Last module of an infeed line.