Changing the shell

A shell is a command line interface that enables the user to interact with TwinCAT/BSD and execute commands. TwinCAT/BSD already contains some shells at delivery, including the sh shell set as standard. The user can switch to another shell at any time, for example the tcsh shell, or install additional shells.

The shells differ in the built-in functions or are preferred by users if they make their daily work easier, for example by auto-completion of file names. Which shell is used by the user is in the end a question of personal preference.

All existing shells in the system are listed under /etc/shells.

Proceed as follows:

1. Enter the command chsh -s tcsh in the console to switch to the tcsh shell.
2. Log in again with the command login <username>.
The tcsh shell is now selected as default shell for the logged in user. You can change the shell again at any time with chsh -s.