Switching to the FreeBSD repository

Switching to the FreeBSD repository 1:

Incompatibilities with already installed packages

The FreeBSD repository can be used for testing purposes to test certain packages that are not provided on the Beckhoff package server. In the meantime, do not update the TwinCAT/BSD system (doas pkg upgrade) via the FreeBSD repository, as this can lead to incompatibilities with already installed packages, and switch back to the Beckhoff package server after the tests.

This step shows you how to switch from the standard Beckhoff repository to the official FreeBSD repository in order to test packages that are only provided on the FreeBSD repository. Contact Beckhoff support if certain packages are required so that they can be included in the standard Beckhoff repository.

Note that packages not installed from a Beckhoff repository may not be compatible with TwinCAT/BSD and may not function properly. The reason for this is that the FreeBSD basic system has been modified for TwinCAT. After the tests, switch back to the Beckhoff package server.

Switch to the FreeBSD repository as follows:

1. Enter the doas ee /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf command in the console.
2. Set the FreeBSD: {enabled: no} variable to "yes".

You have successfully changed the package server. From now on, all packages will be loaded from the official FreeBSD repository. Set the variable to "no" to use the standard Beckhoff repository again.