
This step shows you how to uninstall software under TwinCAT/BSD. The pkg program ensures that an uninstall has no negative consequences for the system and pays attention to dependencies among the packages.

If you uninstall software on which another software depends, that software will also be removed automatically.

docbook: 1.5
sdocbook-xml: 1.1_2,2
xmlcatmgr: 2.2_2
docbook-xml: 5.0_3
xmlcharent: 0.3_2
docbook-sgml: 4.5_1
iso8879: 1986_3

The docbook package depends on the iso8879 package. If you uninstall the iso8879 package, docbook will also be removed. You can suppress this behavior with the suffix -f and uninstall only the selected package without the system paying attention to the dependencies.

Proceed as follows:

1. Enter the command doas pkg delete <packagename> in the console. Example: doas pkg delete iso8879
2. TwinCAT/BSD lists packages that can be deleted and considers the dependencies.
Administrator@CX-3B151A:~ % doas pkg delete iso8879
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 3 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
3. Confirm with [y] to uninstall the listed packages.
In conclusion, the uninstalled packages are summarized. Note that unwanted packages can accumulate over time, for example, if you uninstall software with the suffix -f or if new software versions have different dependencies.

The command pkg autoremove identifies, lists and proposes the uninstallation of unnecessary packages and dependencies. Read the list carefully. Important packages can also be locked so that they are not inadvertently uninstalled (see: Lock).