Text Editors

The use of text editors is the simplest method of configuring TwinCAT/BSD without additional programs. Text files can be opened and edited in the console using a text editor.

Easy Editor (ee)

With TwinCAT/BSD the Easy Editor (ee) can be used for this task. Enter the command ee in the console to start the Easy Editor. Use ee filename to open the file to be edited with the name filename.

System files are protected for security reasons. Under TwinCAT/BSD they can only be opened by users with extended rights (root rights). Use (doas) doas ee filename to open system files with root privileges.

After opening the editor, the most important functions are listed at the top in the display.

^[ (escape) menu  ^y search prompt  ^k delete line   ^p  prev li   ^g prev page
^o ascii code     ^x search         ^l undelete line ^n next li    ^v next page
^u end of file    ^a begin of line  ^w delete word   ^b back 1 char
^t top of text    ^e end of line    ^r restore word  ^f forward 1 char
^c command        ^d delete char    ^j undelete char ^z next word
=====line 1 col 0 lines from top 1 ============================================

The (^) character represents the [Ctrl] key. Therefore, if you wish to use the function ^c you must press the key combination [Ctrl] + [c].

Further information about the Easy Editor and its functions can be found in:

vi editor

TwinCAT/BSD also has more powerful text editors such as the vi editor, which can be used by experienced users. This text editor offers more functionality than the Easy Editor (ee), but is less intuitive.

For more information and functions about the vi editor, see: