
From product version: TwinCAT PLC Library IEC60870-5-104 controlling station v1.0.0 and higher.

Configuration parameter for the cyclic clock time synchronization command. The station that sends clock time synchronization commands. Has an own internal software clock. This clock is synchronized with the local windows system time (the clock time in the windows task bar) during the station initialization. During operation the target stations are synchronized via the clock time synchronization commands with the tie of the internal software clock.

TYPE ST_IEC870_5_101ClockPollParams:
    asduAddr    : DWORD := IEC870_ASDUADDR_SYSPARA;     
    tPollCycle  : TIME := T#60s;
    bEnable     : BOOL := FALSE;

asduAddr: Target address

tPollCycle: Cycle time of clock time synchronization command.

bEnable: Enables/disables the cyclic clock time synchronization commands.


Development Environment

Target System

PLC Libraries to include

TwinCAT v2.10.0 Build >= 1301

PC or CX (x86, ARM)

( Standard.Lib; TcBase.Lib; TcSystem.Lib; TcUtilities.Lib; are included automatically )