
The OPC UA specification contains a special data type for transferring files. This special ObjectType called "FileType" describes the information model for the data transmission. Files can be modeled as simple variables in OPC UA with ByteStrings. FileType is a file with methods for accessing the file. The OPC UA specification provides further information about FileType and the structure and handling of the underlying methods and properties for accessing a file in the OPC UA namespace.

Beckhoff has implemented a generic way to load files and folders from a local hard disk into the OPC UA namespace. Each file is represented by a FileType and allows read and write operations for this file. In addition, each folder contains a CreateFile() method to create new files on the hard disk and a separate FolderPath to specify the actual path to the folder on the OPC UA Server.

Overview 1:
Overview 2:

FileTransfer in the OPC UA Server Device Manager

Only the OPC UA Server of the Beckhoff Device Manager (IPC diagnostics) has this function. The TwinCAT OPC UA Server also provides some parts of this file transfer. However, the general function that enables disclosure of all files and folders is only available in the OPC UA Server, which is part of the device manager that is automatically available on every Beckhoff Industrial PC or Embedded PC. See the Device manager documentation for more information.