
FiFoWrite 1:

FiFoWrite reads position data for iColDim FIFO channel axes from AdrDataArray and transfers iRowsToWrite entries to the FIFO.


    iChannelId    : UDINT;
    iColDim       : UDINT; (* second array dimension (COLUMNS) *)
    iRowsToWrite  : UDINT; (* number of rows to write <= RowDim *)
    bExecute      : BOOL;
    tTimeout      : TIME;
    bBusy   : BOOL;
    bErr    : BOOL;
    iErrId  : UDINT;

iChannelId: Channel ID of the FIFO channel.

AdrDataArray: The address of a data field containing position data for the master and slave axes. The first of the field's dimensions describes the table lines, and the second dimension describes the columns.

iColDim: Number of columns in the data field. This value must correspond to the actual size of the second field dimension.

iRowsToWrite: Number of table lines. This value may be less than or equal to the size of the first field dimension.

bExecute: Edge-triggered signal for execution of the command.

tTimeout: ADS timeout (about 1 second).

bBusy: Becomes TRUE with a rising edge at bExecute, and remains TRUE until the block has executed the command.

bErr: Becomes TRUE if an error occurs while executing the command.

bErrId: Error number (ADS or NC error number).