The status code that identifies the result of the method invocation the response belongs to.
E_OcaStatus has a size of 1 byte.
(*Status codes returned from method calls*)
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
TYPE E_OcaStatus :
Ok := 0,
ProtocolVersionError := 1,
DeviceError := 2,
Locked := 3,
BadFormat := 4,
BadONo := 5,
ParameterError := 6,
ParameterOutOfRange := 7,
NotImplemented := 8,
InvalidRequest := 9,
ProcessingFailed := 10,
BadMethod := 11,
PartiallySucceeded := 12,
Timeout := 13,
BufferOverflow := 14,
DecodingError := 20,
Undefined := 21