Optimizing mappings in the TwinCAT HMI project
When mappings are created in the TwinCAT HMI project, a name is automatically assigned to the mapping. It consists of the PLC used, the name of the GVL and the instance name of the FB. This symbol name is, for example, PLC1.Blowpin.fbBlowpinHmi
for the blow pin in the Plastic Application project. Since the symbol names are used as bindings in the entire TwinCAT HMI project and the subordinate variables and properties are accessed during a binding, this binding can become quite long. This makes it difficult to keep an overview, wastes storage space and in some cases can have an impact on performance. The name of the symbol should therefore be chosen carefully.
Creating and renaming mappings
- In the TwinCAT HMI configuration window under the All Symbols tab, right-click on the instance to be mapped and click on Map Symbol.
- Right-click on the icon again and then select Rename Mapping.
- Rename the symbol name in the window that appears.

Symbol names used in the Plastic Application HMI project
The abbreviated symbol names shown in the following table are used in the Plastic Application HMI project:
GVL name | Instance name of the FB | Abbreviated symbol name |
Alarms | fbAlarmHandlerHmi | AlarmHandler |
Application | fbBlowingHmi | Blowing |
Application | fbEnergyMeasurementHmi | EnergyMeasurement |
Application | fbMachineHmi | Machine |
Application | fbOperationModeHmi | OperationMode |
Application | fbPanelHmi | Panel |
Application | fbProductionCounterHmi | ProductionCounter |
Application | fbSequenceHmi | Sequence |
Application | fbTrendHmi | Trend |
Application | fbUserLoggerHmi | UserLogging |
Blowpin | fbBlowpinHmi | Blowpin |
Carriage | fbCarriageHmi | Carriage |
Clamp | fbClampHmi | Clamp |
Extruder | fbCoExtruderHmi | CoExtruder |
Extruder | fbMainExtruderHmi | MainExtruder |
Handling | fbCutterHmi | Cutter |
Handling | fbTakeoutHmi | Takeout |
HmiCommunication | fbPlcStateToHmiHmi | RecipeHandler |
Monitoring | fbCabinetTemperatureHmi | CabinetTemperature |
Monitoring | fbCoExtruderCurrentHmi | CoExtruderCurrent |
Monitoring | fbCpuTemperatureHmi | CpuTemperature |
Monitoring | fbHydraulicSystemPressureHmi | HydraulicSystemPressure |
Monitoring | fbMainExtruderCurrentHmi | MainExtruderCurrent |
Monitoring | fbMainExtruderMeltPressureHmi | MainExtruderMeltPressure |
Monitoring | fbMainExtruderMeltTemperatureHmi | MainExtruderMeltTemperature |
Monitoring | fbMonitoringData | Monitoring |
Setpoints | fbHydraulicSystemPressureHmi | SetHydraulicSystemPressure |
Setpoints | fbSetpointsData | Setpoints |
Temperature | fbTemperatureHmi | Temperature |
Temperature | fbTempScheduleHmi | TemperatureSchedule |
Timer | fbSampleTimerTof | SampleTimerTof |
Timer | fbSampleTimerTone | SampleTimerTone |
Timer | fbSampleTimerTp | SampleTimerTp |
Wtc | fbAccumulatorHmi | Accumulator |
Wtc | fbWtcHmi | Wtc |
Wtc | fbWtcTimeMasterHmi | WtcTimer |
![]() | Available since version 12.7.0 |