

This page is used to manage the materials that can be used for the extruders. It consists of the following components:

  1. Area for downloading and uploading the material list.
  2. Area for adding and deleting materials.
  3. Table for displaying the material list with the parameters ID, name and description (sortable).
  4. Pop-up window for adding materials that appears when the add button is pressed.
Materials 1:
Materials 2:


This page is displayed in the pop-up window and is used to add a material. The parameters of the material can be entered there. In addition, an existing material, which may have come to the machine via a recipe, can be imported using the checkbox and the choice in the combo box. When adding a new material, please note that the ID must be unique. This information can be accessed via the information button. If the material has been added, it will then be listed in the table.

Materials 3:
Materials 4:
Materials 5:

Available since version 12.7.0