Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol

For storage and reuse of layouts created on the Layout page of the temperatures, one instance of the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol is required per layout.

Creation of the server symbol

Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 1:

For each required layout a single position in the ZoneImageLayoutConfigList array is needed

For this purpose it is recommended to create a dynamic array of this type. This is done in the TwinCAT HMI configuration window:

1. Creation of the data type
Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 2:
2. Creation of a server symbol under the category TcHmiSrv of the corresponding data type
Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 3:
3. Setting the server symbol as persistent using the checkbox (Persist).
Server symbol is created.

Using the server symbol in the configuration mode of the ZoneImageLayout control

1. Select ZoneImageLayout control in the Toolbox and drag it to a content.
2. Set Mode parameter under the category Configuration to Config.
Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 4:
3. For example, using a TcHmiCombobox control to configure the number of layouts available in LiveView via the .onSelectionChanged event.
Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 5:
4. For this purpose, a new CASE can be created with the value 4 for the SelectedId parameter of the combo box.
5. Copy and paste the CreateBinding function into the new CASE and select a different array location such as ZoneImageLayoutConfigList[3] for the symbol transfer parameter.
Server symbol is used correctly in configuration mode.

Using the server symbol in display mode

1. Select ZoneImageLayout control in the Toolbox and drag it to a content.
2. Under the Configuration category, associate the ZoneImageLayoutConfig parameter with one of the array locations of the ZoneImageLayoutConfigList server symbol and set the Mode parameter to View.
Creating and using the ZoneImageLayoutConfig server symbol 6:
3. The set width and height of the ZoneImageLayout control must be set in the server symbol (LayoutHeight, LayoutHeightUnit, LayoutWidth and LayoutWidthUnit). To do this, right-click on the server symbol in the TwinCAT HMI Configuration window and adjust the default value.
Server symbol is used correctly in display mode.