
Creates a default parameterization for all temperature channels
METHOD CreateDefaultParams : HRESULT
bAllInUse: BOOL;
eSensor: E_TcPfw_TempSensType;
eTerminal: E_TcPfw_TerminalType;
nChPerTerm: INT;
eOutHeating: E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect;
eOutCooling: E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect;
fSetpoint: LREAL;
fStandbySetp: LREAL;
fPwmCycleTime: LREAL;
Name | Type | Description | Recommended standard |
bAllInUse | BOOL | All channels are initialized as "InUse". | TRUE |
eSensor | E_TcPfw_TempSensType | Sensor type - NoSensor in simulation mode | eTcPfwTempSensT_NoSensor |
eTerminal | E_TcPfwTerminalType | Terminal type - NoTerminal in simulation mode | eTcPfwTermT_NoTerminal |
nChPerTerm | INT | Number of channels per terminal | 8 |
eOutHeating | E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect | Output type of the heating output - NoSignal, to disable the heating function (e.g. for measuring zones) | eTcPfwTcOut_PWM |
eOutCooling | E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect | Cooling output type | eTcPfwTcOut_NoSignal |
fSetpoint | LREAL | Temperature setpoint for all channels | 180.0 |
fStandbySetp | LREAL | Temperature setpoint for standby temperature of all channels | 18.0 |
fPwmCycleTime | LREAL | PWM cycle time for all outputs (dutyCycle = fPwmCycleTime * 0.1) | 1.0 |
Name | Type | Description |
CreateDefaultParams | HRESULT | Return value with feedback on the success of the execution |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4024.42 | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticBaseApplication (>= v3.12.6.0) |