
This method is used to write the EtherCAT status of an I/O element.
METHOD SetProcessIoStatus : HRESULT
bWcState: BOOL;
bToggle: BOOL;
nInfoDataState: UINT;
sAdsAddr: AMSADDR;
Return value
Name | Type | Description |
SetProcessIoStatus | HRESULT | Return value with feedback on the success of the execution. |
The return value of the method is of type HRESULT. The following return values are to be expected.
E_AdsErr | Return value | Cause |
DEVICE_ERROR | 0x9B00 0700 | The I/O element is in error state. |
DEVICE_SYMBOLNOTFOUND | 0x9B00 0710 | The transferred reference is invalid. |
DEVICE_INCOMPATIBLE | 0x9B00 070E | The variable type of the transferred structure does not match the I/O element. |
DEVICE_SRVNOTSUPP | 0x1B00 0701 | Function is not supported by the I/O element. |
DEVICE_NOERR | 0x1B00 000 | Execution was successful. |
Name | Type | Description |
bWcState | BOOL | WcState to be written to the input variable. |
bToggle | BOOL | Toggle to be written to the input variable. |
nInfoDataState | UINT | InfoData State to be written to the input variable. |
sAdsAddr | AMSADDR | AdsAddr to be written to the input variable. |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4024.55 | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticFunctions (>= v3.12.5.0) |