
This FB creates an axis operated with the Tc2_Hydraulics library.
fbHydAxis1: FB_AxisHydraulicBase
AxisName := 'HydClampAxis1',
nPtpPoints := 10,
iProcessHandler := 0,
iPosCamLookup := 0,
iVeloCamLookup := 0,
iEncoder := fbHydClampAxisEncIn01,
iDrive := fbHydClampAxisDriveOut01,
iPressureP := fbHydClampAxis1PrsInP,
iPressureM := fbHydClampAxis1PrsInM,
iPosFilter := 0,
iVeloFilter := 0
Initialization parameters of the FB_init constructor
Designation | Type | Obligatory | Description |
AxisName | STRING | Yes | The text-based name of the axis. Used for messages and file names, among other things. |
nPtpPoints | INT | Yes | Number of available segments in PTP tables. The number of points can also be set via Ptp.SetPoints() |
iProcessHandler | I_ProcessHandler | No | A function block for handling pressures and other process variables. Reserved, currently to be assigned zero |
iPosCamLookup | No | An interface to a FB with a position cam plate. This input is usually assigned zero, as the cam plate is defined at a later point in time. | |
iVeloCamLookup | No | An interface to a FB with a velocity cam plate. This input is usually assigned zero, as the cam plate is defined at a later point in time. | |
iEncoder | I_InputBase | Yes | I/O interface for the encoder. This interface is used to determine the actual position of the axis. Can also be assigned via a property |
iDrive | I_OutputBase | Yes | I/O interface for the drive. This interface is used to output the target velocity of the axis. Can also be assigned via a property |
iPressureP | I_InputBase | No | I/O interface for a pressure sensor. This interface is used to determine the pressure on the positive cylinder surface. Can also be assigned via a property |
iPressureM | I_InputBase | No | I/O interface for a pressure sensor. This interface is used to determine the pressure on the negative cylinder surface. Can also be assigned via a property |
iPosFilter | I_Filter | No | Interface for a filter of the actual position. Can also be assigned via a property |
iVeloFilter | I_Filter | No | Interface for a filter of the actual velocity. Can also be assigned via a property |
![]() | Strong filtering Strong filtering may have a negative effect on the performance of the axis. |
![]() | Required libraries Hydraulic axes require the Tc2_Hydraulics library. |
Development environment | Target platform | PLC libraries to include |
TwinCAT v3.1.4024.35 | PC or CX (x64, x86) | Tc3_PlasticFunctions v3.12.4.26 or higher Tc3_PlasticHydraulic v3.12.4.26 or higher |