States (state machine)
The state of an axis is declared via an enumeration of the type E_AxisState
. This information is provided by each axis as a property with the name State (e.g. iNcSampleAxis.State
). An overview of all states can be represented as follows:

State | Description |
eInit | The axis is in the initialization phase and must be initialized according to the application requirements. In this state the axis is not ready for operation. |
eConfig | The axis applies a series of parameters from the subordinate drive technology (NC, hydraulics library). Settings that are important for correct operation are checked for correspondence to the motion technology. ADS and mapping connections are also tested at the same time. |
eReady | The axis has been successfully initialized and configured. It is ready to accept an enable, given via iAxis.Power. |
eIdle | The axis is enabled and ready to accept motion commands (e.g. JogP() ). |
eBusy | The axis is processing a command (e.g. JogP() ). |
eDone | The axis has successfully completed a command (e.g. TableMove() ). |
eStopping | The axis is in the state of processing a stop or Estop command. |
eStopped | The Stop command was successful. |
eEmergencyStop | The Estop command was successful. |
eResetting | The axis was instructed by Reset() to initiate the change from the state eFailed to the state eReady. |
eFailed | The axis is in the error state. |