Construction of a transforming axis
A transformation axis is a container object that implements the same interface as a standard Nc axis. Inside this object there are two local standard axis objects, named Load Side and Drive Side. These internal objects are used to handle the specific requirements for the effective tool and the actuator part. There is almost no exchange between the application project and these internal objects because the usual interactions use the interfaces of the container object.

Used symbols
Symbol | Description |
Actuals | A common core function that contains information about the current situation of the axis. There are alternative sub-versions for the different axis types. |
TA: Tool Adaptation | A common core function that is used to handle the differences between the axis and the effective tool. |
TRx: Transformation | A core function specific to transforming axes. It is used to convert actual values of the drive side axis into load side actual values (TR1) and load side setpoints (TR2) or setpoints (TR3) into drive side values. |
MM: Operation mode select | In this figure the "Full transformation mode" is selected. |