- Passive curve displayed on the background of curve editor.
- Passive curve axis label.
- Passive curve axis.
With the PassiveCurves, ShowPassiveCurves and PassiveCurveIndex properties the user can display an extra curve on the backdrop of the curve editor. This curve is for display only and the user cannot edit values of this curve from the control.
The attribute Passive Curves is a list of passive curve objects.

Every passive curve object has the below properties:
- Curve Points: List of points displayed on the curve.
- UnitGroup: Unit group used for the passive axis unit conversion.
- Value Max: Maximum value of the passive axis.
- Value Min: Minimum value of the passive axis.
- Curve Label: Label displayed on the passive axis.
User can pre-configure different passive curve objects in this attribute and iterate through different curves using the PassiveCurveIndex attribute.
Schema: "tchmi:framework#/definitions/PassiveCurves”
Attribute getter: getPassiveCurves
Attribute setter: setPassiveCurves
Available: since version 12.14.0