Linking of unit groups
If we look at the example unit groups and units configured in Unit Groups chapter, the Length is a base unit and Velocity is derived from it.
Ideally, we want a behavior such that, when the user changes display unit of Length group from "mm" to "inch" the linked group of Velocity should also switch its display unit from "mm/s" to "inch/s".
To achieve this, in the configuration Velocity is marked as one of the LinkedDependentGroups of Length And similarly, Length group is set as the LinkedSourceGroup in the Velocity group.
With this configuration if the user makes any changes in Length group it will also trigger changes in Velocity group.
Now to identify which unit in the Velocity group should be set as DisplayUnit unit the LinkedSourceUnit property will be used. In this example if "inch" is set as display unit for Length group, it will also set "inch/s" as display unit for Velocity group. As Unit_Length_inch from the Length group is set as LinkedSourceUnit property for Unit_Velocity_in_s unit in Velocity group.
Any changes done in a LinkedDependentGroups such as of Velocity will not trigger any changes in its LinkedSourceGroup that is the Length group. The linking is only one directional.
Feature of Linking of unit groups is available since version 12.8.0